Thursday, January 22, 2009

Logan visits Nana!

Logan visits today at Nana Campbell's house. Hee Hee...this is going to be fun.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Logan is Here!

Born 1/17/09...8lbs. 6 oz., 20 1/2 inches long. He made his debut at 4:25 PM at Harris Regional Hospital in Sylva NC. Betsy and Cory did fabulous. They make a good team. Here are a few pics of the event.

Monday, December 1, 2008

6 Weeks and Counting!

5.5 lbs! Logan had his picture taken today and here it is. Betsy and Cory went for an ultrasound this morning and all systems are GO!
The shower is this Sunday, luncheon at 1 PM. Can't Wait.

- Nana (Stephanie)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


HI! Well mom and dad haven't been able to access the account that Nana set up for them to log this most momentous time in their lives!.......

Here are pics of the ADORABLE room...jungle theme that is being prepared for the arrival of Logan James...

Aunt Susan sent Logan a "pack n play" a "car seat" and other goodies! Thanks Aunt Susan for your generosity!!

Today I sent out the invitations for Logans "virtual" shower of blessings.
Betsy is doing wonderful...she was diagnosed gestational diabetic. She is watching her carbs and her weight gain is under 30 lbs....way to go Betsy!! You are doing better than I ever did! You go girl!
Turkey day in a couple of to be is a great cook and homemaker...she is packing the mashed potatoes and cranberry side for Thursday. Thank you Betsy.
Love to all...Nana (Stephanie)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Good Evening...this is Nana (that's what the grandkids are going to call me!). Betsy and I will be posting to this blog regularly. The purpose is to keep our friends and family updated on Betsy and Logan's progress, development and arrival.

We are sooo excited in anticipation of his arrival. Betsy is "nesting". She might deny that, but Cory would testify!

Please post and check back regularly for photos and updates. Sign up to follow!

Betsy's baby shower is Sunday, December 7 at 1 PM. We are having a luncheon at my house. If you would like to participate the registry links are to the right of this post. The links are set to take you right to the website where you can bless the family and participate in the virtual shower.

We will be decorating for Christmas on Thanksgiving Day! Betsy, Cory and Logan are coming for dinner. Their first Thanksgiving!

Gotta go for now. Nana (a/k/a Stephanie)